Thursday, May 29, 2008

11 Weeks Old

I know I am a little late posting about last week, but later late than never right? Last week was an extremely busy week because it was the last week of school. That alone just begs for mass chaos. Bo has been staying with his grandmother (Jason's mom) for the last few weeks while I was back at work. She has done a wonderful job and we are so grateful for her help.
This past Friday was a milestone for many in our family. Bo's GiGi (my mom) retired from teaching after 30 years, Bo's cousin Don graduated from high school, and Bo's cousin Kelley came for graduation and to visit. On Saturday we were blessed when Kelley volunteered to babysit so Jason and I could go to lunch and buy groceries. She loves Bo so much and we loved getting to visit with her. Below are a few pictures of Bo with Kelley.

On Memorial Day we had a family cookout to celebrate Don's high school graduation. He will be going to Shorter next year and playing football. We are all very proud of him. Below is a picture of Don and Maggie.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

10 Weeks Old - My Week in Review

Within the past week Bo has mastered the art of smiling. Pretty much anytime he is awake and amused now he practices his grin. Of course we are all thrilled with this new discovery he has made. We cannot get enough of his grins and smiles.
One of the things that makes Bo smile the most is watching the lights in "his tree". We have a silk ficus tree in the corner of our living room with white Christmas tree lights on it. This has become Bo's favorite activity. He will sit and watch the lights for almost an hour without fussing. He just coos and smiles while kicking his legs and flailing his arms. He just cannot get enough of it. Therefore, we would love to add colored lights. (I know... colored lights on a ficus tree is not the decorative statement of the year, but hey if it amuses him I will try it.) The only problem is that we are kind of in the wrong season to buy Christmas lights. We have looked around in stores, but they are no where to be found. Below is a picture of his beloved tree and a few of him looking at it.

We had one other exciting/interesting thing happen this week. One afternoon Bo was sitting in his bouncy chair in the living room floor when I turned around to realize that he had somehow gotten himself out of the seat and was laying on the floor. I was shocked! After all, his chair is not a normal bouncy seat. This one has sides to it. Therefore this was not easy to do, and how did I miss it? Yes, I know that he should have been strapped in, but until now there has been no reason for it. So the mystery began. How did he perform this trick? For the last few days I have been putting him in the seat and leaving him unstrapped waiting for him to repeat his trick. After all, as long as the seat is on the floor he really cannot hurt himself. Finally, this afternoon the answer came to light. As I was working on this post I hurt him yelling out and laughing. I looked over to see him wiggling his way down the seat and kicking the toys with his feet. Apparently he has discovered the toys are way more fun when you kick them instead. Each time he kicks his body slides another 1/2 inch downward towards the toys. The only problem with this game is that eventually if you keep it up your bottom has no where to go but off the seat and into the floor. Below are some pictures of Bo caught in action.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Bo's First Field Trip

On Friday my Pre-K class took a field trip to Sparkles Inflatables to play. Bo is staying with his grandmother (Jason's mom) now that I have returned to work. I miss him greatly but know that he is in good hands. Each morning I wake up counting down the days until I am off for the summer and get to spend the whole day with him again. Because I am so anxious to see him, I had Jason's mom bring him to meet us on our field trip. He was a hit! My kids absolutely are in love with him and were glad to see him again. Bo even went down the big slide with his mommy. We all had a blast!

2 Months Old

Bo was two months old on May 7th. He went to the doctor that day and weighed 12 lbs. 2 oz. and was 22 1/2 inches long. He is growing so fast! He also got his first round of shots. He did so well! He did scream when he got his shots, but he really didn't cry too much. He ran a fever the next day and was sleepy but other than that we survived just fine.