Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bo is in LOVE...

Bo is now in love... with his daddy's laptop computer! He has recently discovered this amusing "toy". This along with other distractions we will mention later, have contributed to my lack of blogging. It has almost become impossible to use the laptop when Bo is anywhere around. He immediately begins moving towards it and is getting very fast. Recently, he managed to pull it off the table, and then pull off some keys from the keyboard before we noticed he had found it. Bo is now pulling up very easily and getting braver by the day. He is VERY mobile. His arm being broken in December set him back a little with crawling, but he is quickly making up for lost time.

In early January Bo really began to figure out crawling. One afternoon when I picked him up, Mrs. Troylene and I discussed his "crawling". She said it was so funny! I agreed but then realized exactly what she meant when we got home. Bo for some reason has always had this notion that crawling has a lot to do with standing on your head. Bo began by putting his head on the floor with his hands beside. After walking his feet up to his forehead, he would then begin to walk out with his hands. He would slowly move his hands out on the floor until he laid flat again, and then start walking with his feet until they once again hit his head. I know this process sounds really complicated and it looked it too! He was like an inchworm! I am however, sad to say that I did not get it on video that night and he figured out a better way the next day. Therefore I hope my memories will be enough.

I am sorry to report, however, that January was not the healthiest month for Bo or our family in general. He had another ear infection in early January which resulted in getting tubes. He did great with the surgery and seemed to feel better quickly. That is, until last week. Bo had just been to see the ENT and gotten a good report on his ears. That is when he developed an ear infection and cough in less than 24 hours. As a preventative measure, and out of fear of the ER on the weekend, we decided to take him to the doctor Friday. I figured he really just had a bad cold. I was surprised to learn that he actually had bronchitis and another ear infection. It became obvious quickly that he was really feeling rough. As the day progressed he felt worse, and I started feeling bad as well. I decided to go to the doctor that evening. I also learned that I had bronchitis. Saturday morning Jason began feeling bad and also had to make a trip to the doctor. I feel like I have moved in the the TB ward! We have all been taking breathing treatments and antibiotics. Needless to say, our family has gotten to know our doctors well in the last few months!

OK, so now on to some more exciting stuff. After all, we all know you really check the blog just to hear about Bo. He now has 2 bottom teeth and 4 upper ones. He cut the top four over the Christmas holidays. His newest thing is playing peek-a-boo. He does not quite understand however. You see, Bo thinks that he should cover my eyes. He covers them up and then pulls his hands away all excited and waits for me to exclaim peek-a-boo! I have been trying to get him to cover his own eyes, but all he does is cover his cheeks or ears instead. I guess he does not want to miss anything!
Our vocabulary now includes:
Baa Baa (bottle)
Bye (which only counts once you leave and if it is repeated at least 100 times.)
the P sound for Pop and peek-a-boo
Mama, Dada, and lots of gibberish that has yet to be interpreted!

Besides our laptop, Bo also has many other favorite toys. These great toys include our cell phones, the TV remote (and no he is not fooled by the DVD remote or an old one), empty or half empty water bottles, the coasters on the coffee table, any new magazines that I have not yet gotten to read, the mirror in our foyer, and cords to anything he can reach! Please note that none of the actual toys he owns have been included in this list. I can assure you that they are all sitting neatly in the basket in the living room where we keep them, as he never chooses them!

Well, I am sure that by now those who worry about spelling and grammar mistakes are getting high blood pressure. Therefore, for your safety I probably should stop writing. Hopefully things will slow down soon (or in 18 years) and I can get back to blogging on a more regular basis.

I have not taken any really recent pictures as we have all been sick, but I did find one from earlier in January to share below.