Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Happenings of the Bennett Household

Things are still crazy as ever at our house. With me starting back to work, I seem to never find a few minutes to update our blog. Hopefully now that the school year is underway things will calm down a little and we will be able to update more faithfully. During the evenings for the last few weeks Jason has been taking Bo on a walk after dinner. This has given me an opportunity to finish getting things ready for the day ahead and collect my thoughts. Bo seems to really enjoy going on walks. Towards the end of dinner he typically gets really fussy, and so the timing is perfect. Jason says that he rarely cries once they get outside. This past week I asked Jason to take the camera with them and take a few pictures. Here is what they came up with.

That particular night, they were doing some construction on a house around the block from ours. Jason said they stopped to watch for a while.

Bo and Jason have also discovered some cats that live near by. Jason has been telling me how these cats come up to the stroller to see them every night as they walk. He said Bo really likes watching them walk around. All I can say is that he better enjoy seeing them on his walk, because we are not getting a cat!

All of the excitement seems to have worn Bo out.

This week Bo also took a visit to my school. One morning we stopped by to see my dear friend Susan before I took him to his sitter. She has been dying to see him. We spent a lot of time with her this summer and she loves playing with Bo. I guess he will have to call her Nana Susan. He is so blessed to have so many people who care so much about him.

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