Sunday, November 2, 2008

Meet Bo the Cowboy

Ladies and gentlemen, you have heard of and met Joe the Plumber, but have you seen Bo the Cowboy? We personally find him much more adorable. Believe it or not, I put together this costume for very little money. The vest and bandanna are a cowboy onesie that I bought for $2.00 and modified. Then upon looking for a hat, I met a woman in a store who offered to give me the chaps and outer-vest. I found boots at Wal-Mart, and the rest is borrowed from my home center at school.

We definitely had to make our rounds on Halloween. Bo's appearances began early as I requested his grandparents meet us on my class field trip to the Pumpkin Patch at Trinity United Methodist. Jason and I had taken Bo there last weekend to take pictures of him with the pumpkins. However, once we began taking pictures we realized that the memory chip was missing from the camera. So, we have no pictures from that visit. Therefore, I wanted Bo to join me on my field trip so I could take a few shots. Bo was very tired when he arrived as I was keeping him from his nap. Below is Bo and his granddaddy, and Bo with the pumpkins.

That evening we met up with Bo's cousins. Below is Pebbles Flintstone(Ava), Bo the Cowboy, and Will the Police Officer.

My brother and his family (Joel, Lucinda, Will, and Ava).

After meeting up with my brother and his family, we visited with some more cousins. Bo's cousin Burch was my favorite Halloween character. See if you can guess what, or should we say WHO he was.

Joe the Plumber, or as his shirt says... Joe T. Plumber. We thought his clever costume was a hit. At least more convincing than Sarah Palin - since that job is already taken by Tina Fay. Below is a picture of Burch with his family. He belongs to my uncle Jim and aunt Pam. He also has a beautiful sister, Rachel.
When we met up with my aunt and uncle, we also saw my grandparents. This makes them Bo's great grandparents. They are so proud of Bo, and we so blessed by them. Below is a picture of them followed by a group picture of the men in the family (minus my dad for some reason).
Finally, we ended our trick or treating by stopping by Henry and Connie Pollitz house. They are close family friends and much like another set of grandparents to Bo. Below is a picture of Bo sitting on their sofa. When looking at this picture I first noticed that since Bo is such a young cowboy he must carry a paci in his holster instead of a pistol.

1 comment:

Daniel & Heidi Hicks said...

Hey Jennifer! I meant to leave you a comment a while back. Bo is adorable in the cowboy costume! i just want to squeeze his adorable little cheeks! he's sooo cute!